Wednesday 3 February 2016

Then and Now...

4th February 2016

Day 0+ 15 months and 19 days!

I think in my head a lot about doing a blog update but I never seem to get around to doing it..  I must do better as I’ve said before I want to have this blog for my own memory as well as for others to read.  Also, as time goes, might be an age thing, but my memory is not so good at times!!  Part of the reason I don't write is I get distracted with other things to and I can do them!  Oh...  and I do have a slight addiction to crap TV!!

My rock, loving living life again with you xx

I thought it was about time I did an update on how I am now compared with how I was pre-treatment and funny thing is as I sat down to write this I can’t remember how bad I was, which has to be a good thing?  Right? Yes, I think so..  I mean I know how I felt and I remember how hard it was doing anything but I can’t remember the specifics.  On the EDSS scale Dr Fedorenko put me at a 5-6.  At a 5.0 you can walk 200 meters without aid or rest and I guess I could do that but fuck it was hard! 

So I looked up the email I sent to Dr Fedorenko back in March 2014 to see what I wrote so here’s an update of then and now..

Optic Neuritis
Then:-  happens a couple of times a year, always recovered from this
Now:- No incidence since HSCT

Backyard cricket at Xmas
(pretty sure I made the most runs!!)
Then:-  Often fatigued over the years, episodes of extreme fatigue where I would sleep/watch tv all day for a week or so at a time.  At treatment time fatigued most of the time if I do anything

Now:- No real fatigue except after a busy day – LIKE A NORMAL PERSON! (insert jumping for joy emoji here!!)

Left Leg
Then:- Numbness all the time although works okay, can balance on left leg

Now:-Occasional numbness (more in the heat and humidity!), not all the time..  Balance is great!

Left Foot
Then:- Numbness some of the time although works ok
Now:- Occasional numbness (more in the heat and humidity!), not all the time

Right leg
Then:- Couldn't lift higher than 10cm without extreme effort, couldn't balance on right leg

Now:- Can lift and kick without effort, so much improvement that I could probably get a job as a “can can girl”, if only I had the figure, the age, the looks, the legs and the dancing ability that is probably a pre-requisite but otherwise they’d definitely give me a job!!  Okay so I thought in my head that I could probably do the can can but had never actually tried so I just tried and I actually did it – would post a video but “Nobody needs to see that”!!

The calf of my right leg couldn’t engage so I couldn’t stretch it – this I can now do and it feels so good to be able to stretch out my calf again!

The quad of my right leg was extremely weak and also didn’t engage so my hamstring would always take over.  This is much better although still weak and not as strong as my left.  Working on it with my personal trainer!!  Hope that it will get stronger but it may never but I’m still pretty happy!!!

Hip flexer (i think that’s what you call it) also wouldn’t work properly and that is heaps better.

Love these guys - loving the beach!

Right foot

Then:- Numbness some of the time, can't flex foot back and big toe spasms a lot

Now:- no numbness, can flex foot and no more big toe spasms..  OMG you have no idea how good it feels to be able to flex a foot again!!

Right knee
Then:- No control and it hyper extends and collapses also a lot of swelling often
Now:-  Have control of my knee again, no more hyper extending or collapsing.  It is still weak and still swells at times and I often have pain and have to ice and take neurofen.  It also crackles when I bend so I’m sure there is something wrong in there.  Planning to have a scan on it sometime soon to check it out.

Left arm / hand
Then: some numbness at times
Now: still some numbness at times

Standing in the heat and walking
around school #noproblem!
Then: Tingling across back at times
Now: Occasional tingling but nowhere near as often

Aids - Walking Stick/Cane
Then: Use often to help with right leg and balance
Now: My cane is gathering dust with the umbrellas at the front door!!!

Aids – Wheelchair
Then:  Use on family trips to zoo's, theme parks etc
Now:  I used a wheelchair for first month home and haven’t touched one since!

Walking distance
Then: 200m, achievable but pretty difficult
Now:  Well I walked 5km on my 1st HSCT birthday!  Haven’t done that again but have walked 3.5km often!!

Then: Extremely difficult to walk up and down stairs due to right leg weakness and right knee collapsing and balance
Now: I can run up the stairs if I so choose!!
And I've got to say I'm sure the kids love that I can do stairs easily enough again..  Our main living and kitchen areas are upstairs so I would constantly be saying Isabelle/Sebastien, can you go downstairs and get me....  can you go upstairs and get me...  can you carry this upstairs/downstairs for me! 

I’m sitting here now with a pretty happy smile on my face writing this as these are just awesome improvements!  I know some people hate the word “miracle” being used in association with things like this but I can tell you I feel like a miracle and thank god for my miracle maker Dr Fedorenko.  I follow lots of others journeys and every time someone posts a photo of Dr Fedorenko or Anastasia it just makes me smile and remember!

Stepped into the rocking row boat!
Every day now I feel so grateful for what I can do and it’s just such simple things.  Going to the market, walking into school, feeling awake at the end of the day, going to a meeting at night at school because I can and I’m not worried about feeling awkward, explaining to people why I have a cane with me and again awake enough to do it.  My husband works away sometimes and I now feel capable on my own to manage, I’m not stressed and stretched to my limit, I’m sure he feels okay about going now and not worried about if I’m okay.
Thanks for reading (if you made it to the end) remember I did warn at the very beginning that I’m a babbler and not a writer.  Maybe I could be a writer or maybe that’s just in my head???  Mmmm, I still think maybe I wrote better in Moscow and it could possibly have been the concoction of drugs running through my body and the massive emotional roller coaster I was on at the time!! 

If you are interested in reading more (and I haven't bored you to tears), the previous post to this one I never shared on facebook like I normally do as I published it on the blog much later than I wrote it and it would have been weird.. 

Loving Living Life again!
Nat xx

Whilst looking for some photo's to add I'm reminded of things I can do...  Walking up and down the stairs at the cricket about 5 times to bring everyone food (I was happy to do it!).  Going to the beach and spending over an hour at a time in the surf and not struggling and not struggling to walk on the sand - oh that's good..  Stepping down into a row boat! Of course the SUPing - see facebook video if you missed my awesomeness..  Walking around Melbourne - all day 15,000 steps!!!!!!

They were some steep steps at the cricket!


  1. Nat, I love your updates and am so happy for you and your family. Take care, Lauren

    1. Thanks Lauren, just feels amazing to do these things again! x

    2. Nat is this what that arrow was referring to? Wow what amazing results so far. So happy for you and your family. �� ����

    3. Not sure what the picture (arrow) was Kate but the post today was the one above about confidence!

  2. This gives me inspiration! I am booked in June 2016 and although a little scared . . . Can't wait to provide an update as positive as yours!!! Thank you :)

    1. Hi Megan, Nothing to be scared about, it's tough but an amazing experience and your MS progressing is so much scarier in my book. Good luck!!

  3. So proud of you and your determination Nat!

    1. Thanks Kylie, we'll be able to do things at Easter!! xx
